Tag: Contains Milk
Cow milk is one of the most common allergens for children and adults. This allergy is often outgrown but can be present later in life.
Here's a list of ingredients that contain milk:
- Buttermilk
- Butter fat
- Butter oil
- Casein
- Casein hydrolysate
- Cream
- Curds
- Custard
- Dairy cheese
- Dairy ice cream
- Dairy milk
- Ghee
- Half-and half
- Lactose
- Sour cream
- Whey
- Yogurt
Here is a list of substitutions you can consider for recipes that contain milk:
- Almond Milk**
- Cashew Milk**
- Coconut Milk
- Oat milk
- Rice Milk
- Soy Milk
** Note: those with a nut allergy should avoid nut milks
Recipes for 'Contains Milk'
Roasted Broccoli with Lemon and Parmesan
Radish and Cucumber Salad
Pastel de arandanos rojos
Sweet Potato and Black Bean Bake
Avocado Macaroni and Cheese
Turkey Zucchini Enchiladas
Coli-Tots: Bolitas de Coliflor
Butternut Squash Macaroni and Cheese
Ensalada de Remolacha, Zanahoria y Rúcula
Ensalada de sandia y arándanos con queso de cabra y menta
Vegetarian Stuffed Peppers
Hamburguesa Griega Con Aderezo De Pepino
Manzanas rellenas al horno
Pasta con espárragos, guisantes y cebolletas
Sopa de escarola y orzo con albóndigas de parmesano de pavo
Aderezo césar todos los días
Pan de calabacín y chocolate
Muffins de Arándanos negros
Puré de Papas y Coliflor Secreto
Mango Strawberry Yogurt Cake
Pumpkin Breakfast Muffins
Noquis con Calabaza y Col Rizada
Batido de Banana y Arándanos
Quick "No Can" Tomato Soup
Bocaditos de brocoli y zanahorias
Galletas de bananas magicas
Green Curry Chicken Stew with Brussels Sprouts