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The carrot is a staple vegetable in many households. Carrots are great for snacking, versatile for recipes, and they are super affordable. They are members of the umbeliferae family, along with parsnips, celery, cilantro, and parsley.

Why is it good for my body? Carrots are chock full of beta-carotene, which the body naturally converts to vitamin A. Vitamin A plays a critical role in healthy vision and neurological function.
Where does it come from? It is believed that carrots originated in middle Asia. The first carrots cultivated were actually yellow and purple! Orange varieties appeared in the Netherlands during the 1600's.
What season is it fresh? Although they are planted in early spring, carrots may not be ready to harvest until late June or early July. Carrots are available year round in grocery stores.
How do I store and handle it? Cut off the greeen leafy tops of carrots and discard. Place the carrots into a container filled with cold water and place in the refrigerator. This keeps the carrots crunchy and ready to eat!
What are ways to eat it? Along with onion and celery, carrot is included in mirepoix, a combination of aromatic vegetables used in french cooking. We like them raw along side some green hummus! Try Doctor Yum's Sweet Potato and Carrot Soup for a delicious recipe featuring this amazing vegetable.

Found in the Produce section

carrots in meal-o-matic
