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Mushrooms have been a part of human diets since the dawn of recorded history. Evidence of their consumption has even been found at cave sites in Europe.

Why is it good for my body? Since there are so many varieties of mushrooms, there are varous health benefits. Some are high in iron, protein, and vitamin D.
Where does it come from? Mushrooms reproduce by sending out spores. They are very light and can be carried in the wind. The spores can also go dormant in poor conditions until the conditions improve.
What season is it fresh? Mushrooms need very specific conditions to grow. It is only quite recently that we learned how to grow Fungi indoors. Generally mushrooms can be found fresh year round.
How do I store and handle it? Store in original container in the crisper compartment of the refrigerator until ready to use. Store loose mushrooms in a sealed plastic bag with as little air as possible. Mushrooms should not be submerged in water to clean. Brush off any dirt with a wet paper towel.
What are ways to eat it? Mushrooms can be eaten raw with dips and in salads. They are delicious sauteed, roasted, and added to soups and stews.

Found in the Produce section

mushrooms in meal-o-matic
