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The pineapple is a large, tropical fruit with a sweet somewhat acidic taste. It grows up from the ground on short plants with sword-like leaves in tropical areas. Did you know that certain pineapple plants will only flower at night and are pollinated by bats?

Why is it good for my body? Pineapples are a rich source of Vitamin C, containing 131% of your daily value of this powerful antioxidant which helps minimize cough, cold, and flu symptoms. Pineapples also contain fiber, potassium,Vitamin B1, manganese, bromelain, beta-carotene, and the amino acid tryptophan. The benefits include protection against cardiovascular disease, improved mental health, reduced inflammation, speeds healing from surgery, prevents asthma, and aids in digestion.
Where does it come from? Pineapples are native to Brazil, but are now grown all over the world in tropical climates. Pineapples are delicious as a stand alone fruit, but are also used in many cuisines with both savory and sweet applications.
What season is it fresh? Fresh pineapple is widely available in most grocery stores year-round and is typically priced very economically.
How do I store and handle it? Whole pineapples can be stored at room temperature for 1-3 days, depending on ripeness. To extend freshness before cutting, whole pineapples will keep 3-5 days in the refrigerator. To freeze, peel and cut the pineapple into cubes or spears and put into heavy-duty freezer bags. Properly stored, they will maintain best quality for about 10 to 12 months in the freezer, but will remain safe beyond that time.
What are ways to eat it? Pineapples are delicious raw on their own, or in a salad like Doctor Yum's Rainbow Fruit Salad or Pineapple Power Salad. They are also great in salsas, savory recipes, or grilled as a compliment to meat or seafood.

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